NFT and Blockchain Departments Are Opening at Universities!

NFT and Blockchain Departments Are Opening at Universities

With the development of technology both around the world and in our country, many new types of education are entering schools. According to the statement made by YÖK, courses and departments for NFT and blockchain will be opened in universities.

Especially with the introduction of the pandemic into our lives, many innovations have emerged in the world of technology. One of them was NFT and the other was metaverse. There is a big work around the world for both NFT and metaverse. As such, countries make certain arrangements in their education systems to keep up with the times. Especially NFT departments, located in many cities in Europe, will now be included in the education plan in our country.

According to the statement made by YÖK, NFT and blockchain departments will be opened in our country in the coming periods. At the same time, courses and chapters can be added within the metaverse.

The NFT and blockchain divisions will both be an investment in the future and open up a new business field. For now, no information has been given as to which year it will start. While the head of YÖK underlines the issue of NFT and blockchain, he is expected to make a detailed statement about the departments in the coming days.

What is NFT – What Does It Do? How to use?
