The PlayStation Plus subscription service will see its biggest change yet on June 23. Subscription splits and merges with streaming service PS Now. There are then 3 offers on PS Plus with different content on PS4 and PS5. We will show you what you should know about this on MeinMMO.
What’s happening next week on PS Plus? On June 23, the subscription service will change radically. Instead of a single offer, you can complete PS Plus in 3 different tiers – each higher tier costs a little more, but also brings more services with it:
The most important information about the contents of the packages and what you should consider with your current subscription, we collect for you in a short overview. You can also take a look at our video on the subject:
Everything you need to know about Sony’s new PS Plus model – in 2 minutes
PS Plus: 3 new subscriptions from June 23rd
How is the transition to the new subscription going? The exact time is not yet known. However, you don’t have to do anything to start the new services. You will receive an email once the process is complete.
What do the subscriptions bring me? The more money you invest in your subscription, the more services the packages provide you with. Overview of costs and content:
PS Plus Essential
PS Plus Extra
PS Plus Premium
With “Essential” you get the usual subscription of PS Plus, as you already know it. The other subscriptions bring you more services than the basic version. You can find out which subscription is right for you here:
PS Plus subscription: Essential, Extra or Premium – Which package is right for me?
What happens to my old subscription? For example, if your normal subscription for PS Plus runs for another 6 months, your service will change to “PS Plus Essential”.
You will receive an e-mail with information about the new subscription, but you don’t have to do anything else and you can still pick up the games from June in your library.
PS Plus: Games for June 2022 – Sony is giving you one of the best action games in recent years
Players with a subscription to the PS Now streaming service come under the PS Plus Premium category. Your range of services will improve as a result of the changeover.
If you end up with the new services in the Essential subscription but want to switch to a higher subscription, then that is possible. However, you then have to increase your complete remaining term – if you still have 6 months of subscription, you have to increase the 6 months to Extra or Premium.
What games are included in the subscriptions? The list for the German market has not yet been published. However, the new services are already online in Asia and North America – you can find the list for the USA here (via
As soon as the German games are known or the service goes online, you will find more information on MeinMMO.
Until then, please leave us a comment and tell us which subscription you choose. If you prefer to go hunting for a PS5, then check our sales ticker regularly: Buy PS5 in the ticker – All news and offers