Next time you run a washing machine, try putting a plastic bag in the drum. You’ll see, the results are quite surprising. This trick will change your life!

Next time you run a washing machine try putting a

Next time you run a washing machine, try putting a plastic bag in the drum. You’ll see, the results are quite surprising. This trick will change your life!

The washing machine is undoubtedly one of the appliances that we use frequently in our daily lives. However, for many, the chore of laundry is an unpleasant task, often synonymous with frustration when clothes lose their shine or sheets come out of the machine all wrinkled.

There is, however, a surprising trick to solve this problem that could revolutionize your laundry routine. And no, it’s not a new miracle detergent or an overpriced laundry detergent, but something you probably already have at home: a plastic bag.

The idea of ​​putting such an object in the drum of your washing machine may seem strange, even absurd. However, this method not only helps to remove hair and lint, but also keeps your household appliance in good condition, avoiding malfunctions.

Indeed, the friction of the bag and the clothes as they move in the drum will produce static electricity. The bag will then retain in the same place the hair of your animals, the hair or even the fluff that could be found on the textiles. But this tip also has an impact on your washing machine, since the plastic bag, by retaining all this dirt, avoids putting the filters of your machine to the test, which increases its lifespan.

Of course, some precautions are necessary to avoid any unfortunate incident. It is recommended to use a clean plastic bag, without writing or printing, otherwise it will rub off on the clothes. The best is to take a transparent bag with a neutral color. In addition, be sure to choose a bag that is strong enough not to tear during washing, and resistant to water and heat. Finally, do not overload the machine: the bag must be able to move freely to be effective. Therefore, avoid it with bulky or heavy laundry, such as bed sheets for example.

In short, this tip, as surprising as it may be, is worth trying. It could well become your best ally for impeccable laundry. So, the next time you start a machine, don’t hesitate to slip a plastic bag among your laundry. The result could well surprise you!
