(Finance) – Next Re Siiqreal estate company listed on Euronext Milan, closed the 2024 with a consolidated profit equal to 1.61 million euros (compared to the loss of 9.44 million at 31 December 2023), which reflects the variation of the fair value of the assets in a negative portfolio for a total of -10.65 million and the net result of financial management of 10.30 million (following the detection of the proceeds, for an amount equal to 11.53 million, connected to the excerpt of the loan signed in January 2021 with CPI Property Group).
THE’Consolidated ebitda For the 2024 year, it is equal to 2.06 million euros, compared to the negative one and equal to -0.64 million to 31 December 2023. The total consolidated financial debt equal to 1.35 million euros, compared to 57.08 million to 31 December 2023.
The Board of Directors has decided to propose the distribution of a ordinary dividend of 0.06 euros (gross of any law of the law) for each ordinary action in circulation. The proposal for distribution of the dividend by the Board of Directors provides that the detachment of the coupon number 4 will take place on May 5, 2025, with record dates on May 6, 2025 and payment on May 7, 2025.
The Board of Directors also has The industrial plan 2025-2029 approved which provides for a significant dimensional growth of the real estate portfolio – evaluated more sustainable compared to the provisions of the previous industrial plan 2024-2028 – to be carried out by means of capital increases in nature which, together with the significant cut of the financial debt made at the end of 2024, will reasonably allow Next King to present itself at the end of the plan with Economics, dimensional and profitability conditions that make it a tool capable of generating value for shareholders and for all stakeholders.