NEXT RE, loss of € 0.3 million at 30 September 2022

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(Finance) – NEXT RE SIIQa real estate investment company listed on Euronext Milan, has registered a lost equal to 0.3 million euros at 30 September 2022 (profit of 1 million euros at 30 September 2021), a EBITDA of -0.7 million euros (-0.9 million euros at 30 September 2021) and a Net Operating Income (margin from rental income and real estate operating costs) of € 3 million, which includes rental income of € 4.4 million and costs relating to real estate assets of € 1.4 million.

The Net assets amounted to 85.4 million euros at 30 September 2022, compared to 85.5 million euros at 31 December 2021. The Total financial debt amounted to 57.9 million euros at 30 September 2022 (61.04 million euros a year ago). The Net Loan to Value at 30 September 2022 it was 41%, an improvement compared to 31 December 2021 (44%).
