Newsboy’s car was stolen and dumped in a ditch in Norrahammar

It was shortly before 02.30 that the police were called to the scene. The newspaper delivery man had been waved to the side of the road by a man who tricked the driver out of the car, which was then stolen. No physical violence should have been used during the attack.

– The victim probably wanted to help, says Johnny Gustavsson, the police’s spokesperson.

The car was found again just after four o’clock in a ditch. So far, the police cannot answer in what condition the car was found.

No arrests

No perpetrator could be arrested during the night, despite several patrols being ordered to the scene.

– We failed to get hold of the person despite a great deal of effort. It is now becoming more and more difficult to find a perpetrator, says Johnny Gustavsson, the police’s spokesperson.

A report of access to a vehicle was drawn up.
