News of the transfer of more than a thousand Afghan refugees to Finland caused a flood of messages – Iranian ambassador had to correct information

News of the transfer of more than a thousand Afghan

Iranian Iran News news agency The news that Finland would take in 1,100 new Afghan refugees from Iran spawned hundreds of inquiries at the Finnish Embassy in Tehran and the Foreign Ministry.

Ambassador of Finland to Tehran Kari Kahiluoto it is not a new decision or a new group of refugees.

– There are a huge number of refugees fleeing Afghanistan here, and people are desperate. Iran is completely overwhelmed by the number of refugees. The misinformation that this would be a new group created false expectations for them, Kahiluoto tells .

The government has already decided in February that Finland will receive 600 Afghan refugees from Iran as part of Finland’s refugee quota. The rest of the Afghan refugees are pending applications for family reunification.

Iran News had joined the two groups in its news. According to Kahiluoto, there are a total of about 1,100–1,200 Afghan refugees waiting for family reunification.

This week, Ambassador Kahiluoto visited UN refugee camps in the vicinity of the city of Mashhad with refugees from Afghanistan.

The cities of Mashhad and Torbat-e Jam are located near the Afghanistan-Iran border in Razavi Khorasan province.

Kahiluoto describes the refugee situation in Iran as really difficult.

Some 800,000 people have fled Afghanistan since Afghanistan’s rise to power last August. In addition, there were already four million Afghan refugees in Iran.

The UN refugee organization will make a proposal to Finland on people to be selected from refugee camps in September. Finland’s refugee quota for this year is 1,500 people, including Afghan refugees selected from the camps.

The extremist Islamic Taliban has tightened its line over the past year. The Taliban regime has banned, among other things, girls ’schooling and youth-favored social media applications, and ordered women to use the burqa.

Read more:

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The Taliban leader ordered the women to use the burqa in Afghanistan

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