A newborn baby died unexpectedly at Skaraborg hospital. Now the hospital states that 25 mistakes were made in connection with the death. This is reported by the Siren news agency.
Among other things, the mother and child received antibiotics too late.
The hospital has Lex Maria reported the incident to Ivo, the inspectorate for care and social care, which states that the tragedy could have been avoided if the errors had not been committed.
“It cannot be ruled out that the incident would have had a different outcome if antibiotics had been used earlier,” writes Ivo in the investigation.
“Researched too late”
The mother and child would remain in the hospital for 36 hours for follow-up. But less than a day after the birth, the child quickly became worse.
The child, who had a fever, high respiratory rate and was perceived as pale, was not examined in time when it was not considered necessary, according to the investigation.
After two days, the child died due to severe sepsis and “entrapment of the brain”.
8 of the 25 documented error events concern a lack of documentation at the time of the incident, according to the hospital’s report. Three error events are about infection symptoms not being identified.
The hospital presents a series of measures to avoid similar events in the future. Among other things, a new routine for creating a checklist for the care of children with prolonged water loss. This is to be able to identify signs of infection more quickly.