Newbie asks if you can play through Diablo 4 solo at world level 1 – community gives helpful tips

For many players, world level 4 and the endgame in Diablo 4 is the goal. However, a player is now asking whether he can also enjoy the ARPG casually at world level 1. The community says: You can do it, but there’s no reason for it.

Some players complain about the endgame in Diablo 4 and find it too boring and after a few weeks had nothing more to do. And the others complained in Season 2 about the heavy endgame content that was added to the game, so the developers changed it again.

With Season 4 comes more new content and challenges in Diablo 4. However, one player noted on Reddit that he had no interest in seasons at all. In principle, he wants to play casually at world level 1 and asks whether that is even possible.

What does the user assume? In his post on Reddit on April 10, “WestCoastInquirer” writes that he assumes that Diablo 4 is a “game for online groups”. He is new to Diablo and wants to “go casual [Welt]Play level 1, beat all the dungeons and the campaign and just enjoy it as if it were a single player game.”

WestCoastInquirer is not interested in playing seasons or being competitive. He just enjoys the combat, the specializations, the story and the missions. Although he is at level 47, he didn’t even complete the first act because he was “just chilling”.

“I wonder if it’s a game where as soon as I [Level] 50, can just walk around and try to get gear, […] or, whether it forces me into a different animal or something, since I know the game is primarily intended for online groups,” writes WestCoastInquirer in the post.

The leaderboards in Diablo 4 are part of the content that only becomes an issue in the endgame:

Diablo 4: The developers talk about the leaderboards and how you get there

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“The game only begins with world levels 3 and 4”

What does the community respond? In the comments, various users explain that Diablo 4 is by no means a pure “online group game”. “SepticKnave39″ replies to him on Reddit: “You can still play alone and do everything there is to do. A group is not required for anything. It can be more efficient, but I’ve never played in a group and never had any problems.”

The user says there is nothing wrong with world levels 3 and 4 – that’s just where Diablo 4 starts. “It will be a little more difficult for a minute until you replace your equipment with new ones […] replaced. And then it gets easier again.”

He explains what the player misses out on if he only stays at World Tier 1:

  • You won’t get all the items in the game if you don’t go to world levels 3 and 4.
  • You don’t have access to nightmare dungeons and glyphs.
  • Getting above level 50 will be difficult if not impossible.
  • You probably won’t get all the affixes that are in the game either.
  • By the way, players at world levels 1 and 2 will soon be able to explore the Hellflood at their level. The feature is available on all world levels from Season 4 – with a threat barometer and spitting worms.

    User “TheHeinousMelvins” adds on Reddit that the post creator will quickly get bored even at world level 2 once he reaches level 50. It’s not a “competition”, the next one [Welt]level, but rather the natural progression if you play the game normally. “And that’s where the more interesting gear drops.”

    Many users inform the player that leveling up to World Tier 1 will be quite slow. There is nothing that forces him to move to a different world level, but progress is being slowed down quite a bit.

    Another player discusses another aspect on Reddit. He explains that he is basically finished with Season 3 and will leave Diablo 4 until the new season. Recently there was a test server (PTR) for Season 4 in Diablo 4 where players could test the new content. The player reported that the PTR was an improvement for him, but he now finds it difficult to return to Season 3.

    However, one user suggests a way for players to bridge the time until the new season: Player wants to stop playing Diablo 4 when he finds out how to get a secret title
