New Zealand bans the sale of tobacco to the entire next generation

New Zealand bans the sale of tobacco to the entire

The age limit for buying tobacco will be raised in New Zealand from the beginning of next year, so that those born in 2009 and after will never be allowed to buy tobacco.

13.12. 14:59•Updated 13.12. 21:13

New legislation aims to get rid of smoking completely in New Zealand.

The law, which passed the final reading today, raises the age limit for buying cigarettes in New Zealand every year so that those born on or after January 1, 2009 cannot be sold according to the law, the newspaper reports Guardian (switching to another service)and the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation RNZ (switching to another service). According to the Guardian, this would be the first law of its kind in the world.

Other measures are also being taken to reduce smoking. Among other things, the permitted nicotine content of tobacco products will be reduced, and their availability will be weakened by allowing sales only in certain specialty stores.

Deputy Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall said that thousands of people will live longer and healthier lives.

Health care is saved when cancers, heart attacks or amputations caused by smoking do not accumulate to be treated.

However, the law approved today does not restrict the sale of e-cigarettes. The new legislation will enter into force from next year.

Maori population involved in the preparation of the law

The availability of tobacco will also be reduced by cutting the number of sales points to ten from the current six thousand. Next year, those who want cigarettes must go to a special tobacco shop.

According to the custom of the country, there is no brand text or mark on the cigarette pack. After buying one, next year the smoker will notice that the product’s nicotine content is considerably lower than it is now.

One of the goals of the tightening is to reduce smoking among the country’s indigenous Maori population. Now, just under a third of Maori smoke, while usually one tenth of the adult population smokes.

The new law has been prepared together with representatives of the Maori population.

The story was extended at 21:13.

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