The MMORPG New World gets its first expansion “Rise of the Angry Earth Creatures” in October. The focus is on the former First Light area, the mounts and an increase in the level cap. We at MeinMMO summarize everything important for you.
What’s in the extension? Rise of the Angry Earth is a paid addon that brings some major new features to New World:
There are also a few other changes, such as raising crafting disciplines to 250, new faction missions, new skins, adjustments to PvP, and a new heart rune ability. With the expansion, the new Season 3 also starts directly, which includes new story quests and new season events.
You can watch the trailer for it here:
New World: Rise of the Angry Earth expansion trailer
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Rise of the Angry Earth: release date and cost
Rise of the Angry Earth will be released on October 3rd. An exact time is not yet available.
You have to buy the extension once for 28.99 euros.
No. You have to buy New World first and then you can also purchase the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion. However, there will be a bundle. The New World: Elysian Edition costs 68.99 euros and then contains the base game + expansion.
It’s not uncommon for MMORPGs to have more expensive packages with additional rewards in addition to the standard version. So far, however, nothing is known about such an edition.
There is currently no specific date. However, an announcement should follow soon.
The new area is reminiscent of an alien biome
What do we know about Elysian Wilds? The new area is aimed at endgame players and has Angry Earth as its central enemy theme. You can still recognize the basic features of First Light, but overall the zone is very colourful. The luminescent plants make everything look as if you were on a completely different planet.
The developers told us in an interview that they made a conscious decision to revise the old zone. So you want to move experienced players closer to the beginner region instead of sending them to a new area on the edge of the map.
Also, Sky Wilderness will not be a PvP zone. There will be no outposts or settlements to fight over in the area. So it is based on Bruchberg and not on the old concept of First Light.
There is also a new dungeon in the area: The Savage Divide. This is aimed at level 62+ players and has a mammoth boss that shoots lasers.
You can find out more about Elysian Wilds in our play report:
The new Flail weapon is carried with the Shield
What do we know about the new weapon? The flail is a one-handed weapon resembling a mace. With this you can beat enemies in close combat. It scales with Strength and Concentration stats.
With the help of the skills you can jump on enemies and deal magic damage to them. You should be able to debuff enemies and support your team at the same time. In the second hand you carry the shield, which was previously combined with the sword. It is now the 15th weapon in the game.
In this video you can watch the first gameplay and see some of the skills:
New World: Gameplay for the new weapon Flail
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Long-desired, mounts are finally here
What’s up with the mounts? Each player can get a mount after starting the expansion. There are three different ones to choose from:
They are unlocked via a quest. The animals can be given their own names and different skins. You can also level them up over time, which increases the speed even more.
You summon the mount so that you sit directly on it. The focus is on running faster, although jumping is also possible. Movement speed is also reduced in settlements to make it more consistent with the world.
There are no special functions such as mount races at the start, but the developers have not ruled them out in the future.
Here you can watch gameplay for the mounts:
New World: Gameplay related to the new mounts
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New level cap, new gear and new crafting options
What other changes does the expansion bring? With the launch of Rise of the Angry Earth, you can increase your character from level 60 to 65. In the future you will also have to reach level 65 in order to be able to play mutations in the dungeons.
The new level cap is accompanied by an increase in the armor value. While your Legendary Armor could previously be raised to level 625, this limit will be increased to 700 in the future.
This works via the new artifacts, a higher level in armor and weapons. This should get a sixth perk, which in turn should have a significant impact on your playstyle. How exactly you get the equipment is not yet known.
One method will probably be crafting. There the professions are raised from level 200 to 250. This brings a lot of new materials and recipes with it.
What can the new heart rune do? Here, the description is very short so far: Unleash your inner beast to unarmed light and heavy attacks on enemies. We will submit details later.
What else has been announced? With the expansion comes an overhaul of the main story in the areas of Edenshire and Deep Gorge. With this, Amazon is continuing the work begun with the Fresh Start servers in October 2022.
New system requirements with the expansion
What do you think of Rise of the Angry Earth? Do you like the contents of the expansion?
In addition to the expansion, a major patch is also planned for this year. It brings another expedition and cross-server dungeons: MMORPG New World brings new seasons, an expansion and mounts in 2023 – sounds absolutely great.