With the raid “Hoard of the Gorgons”, a fresh raid challenge for teams of 10 players awaits you in the endgame of New World Aeternum. In this article, MeinMMO gives you some tips on how to defeat the bosses.
What is the Lair of the Gorgons? The 10-player raid is one of the completely new content that Amazon Games has developed especially for New World Aeternum. You will find the entrance in the southeast of Cutlass Reef. You can also access the content via the group search. The raid is divided into three chapters, at the end of which a boss awaits you.
The content is recommended for characters with level 65. The rewards include some of the new artifacts. In the Gorgon’s Lair you can also obtain a new crafting material with which you can craft equipment with an armor value of 725. Below you will find out how you can overcome the challenges of the raid.
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This is how you solve the first puzzle
In order to enter the first boss room, you first have to activate four red balls that rotate in a circle in the previous area. To do this, one character must stand on the platform opposite the column, which activates the balls.
Shoot the balls when a red circle appears around them, causing them to turn green. When all balls are green, the door opens. However, the spiders that constantly appear make the procedure more difficult.
This is how you defeat the first boss Echidna
The most important mechanics:
Echidna uses a ground stomp that deals area damage to all characters standing on the ground. You can reduce the damage by blocking. It’s even better to let yourself be shot up through the regularly appearing columns. If you get to the highest pillars like this, you can even get useful buffs.
When obsidian crystals appear, destroy them before they can send out deadly tendrils. If such a crystal lands on your pillar, you must leave it immediately.
The boss summons rocks which he then shoots around the area. You can dodge the stones or block the impact and avoid some damage. During this time, avoid the boss’s rear so as not to get caught by the tail strike.
If you have less than 50 percent life, the fight switches to phase 2. Now, in addition to the previous mechanics, the boss places a glyph over a character’s head just to jump on them and cause area damage. Spread out!
Echidna now also uses a roar that turns the pillars into deadly traps. If there are still obsidian crystals at the end of the roar, a wipe is inevitable.
With onyx gemstones and impact protection amulet you increase your chances of survival.
Uses a ranged weapon that can be used to break the boss’s stamina bar with heavy attacks.
Breaking the stamina bar occurs in both phases of the fight. If you succeed, Echidna will fall over and you can cause high damage for quite some time.
As a melee fighter, you cast heavy attacks on the back of Echidna. As a ranged fighter, you can be thrown onto the highest pillars in order to use devastating attacks with a damage buff.
Tanks don’t pull the boss against the wall because then it will be difficult for the melee fighters to avoid the stones.
Always focus on the obsidian crystals.
This is how you solve the second puzzle
In the next puzzle you have to activate three groups of platforms (one each on the left, middle and right) in a labyrinth at the same time, which are in different positions and are guarded by spiders. The balls above the platforms indicate the status of each platform.
Red Orb: Spiders present and platform disabled
Ball circled in red: No spiders, but no one is on the platform yet
Green ball: Character stands on platform
It’s best to fight as a team to the first group of platforms, kill the spiders there and watch out for the dangerous medusae in the labyrinth. Once the area is cleared, you leave two players behind and move to the next platform, and so on.
New World’s 10-player raid has three new boss fights.
This is how you defeat the second boss Typhon
The fight against Typhon consists of three phases that build on each other through ever-changing dangers. The most important mechanics:
Avoid the thorn alley that can appear to the left, middle, or right of the arena (highlighted by a slowly turning red area).
Two players each are marked by a red symbol in phase 1. From now on, thorns will appear under them for quite some time. Carry this effect out of the group, to the edge of the area, and keep moving until the debuff expires. Three characters are affected in phase 2 and four characters in phase 3.
Typhon sends out tendrils to wrap random players in a prison of thorns where they receive damage. The victims dodge the vines. If you get caught, your team will have to bust you out of jail. The prisoners can help.
During the phases, an increasing number of adds appear and remain in the arena for 25 seconds. The boss then sucks these up to buff himself. Prevent this by killing the adds immediately – with the priority: Corvid > Wolf > Spiders.
Every now and then, Typhon will mark a player to attack. The victim hides behind one of the pillars to avoid the fatal attack. However, there are fewer pillars in each phase.
Phase 2 starts at 70 percent life. You will have to deal with more adds, fewer pillars and more victims of the thorn attacks.
Once you reach 30 percent life, phase 3 starts, with only two pillars, four marked thorn characters and even more adds.
Tip: Save all DpS cooldowns for the final phase to wrestle the boss to the ground. You ignore the adds now.
This is how you solve the final puzzle
In the last puzzle you have to clean the circular arena with water from a fountain. You can then fight against the monsters safely in the cleaned areas. Players with poison run into the blue purification bubbles and remove the toxin. When everything is cleaned, you can open the door to the brood mother with two levers.
Concept art for one of the bosses from the Gorgon Lair.
This is how you defeat the brood mother Medusa
During the final fight, several mechanics can attack your team at the same time, which can cause chaos. The mechanics:
The flowers in the arena and on Medusa’s back activate and release clouds that apply a stacking debuff to you. When it reaches ten charges, you fall asleep. Additionally, the flowers leave clumps of branches on the ground, causing damage. All ranged attackers shoot at the flowers to deactivate them.
The Broodmother charges at random players, causing high damage. Dodge this attack and avoid the mud trail that the attack leaves behind. You catch a DoT with the mud.
Volcanoes regularly appear in the area, spewing poison and inflicting a toxic, stackable DoT on nearby players. You can clean the fountain in the blue circle.
There are 4 of these fountains. These give you balls of cleansing water that you can use to remove the volcanoes. Each activated fountain triggers a cooldown, so you can’t use just one fountain over and over again.
Destroy the eggs that appear regularly before these adds hatch.
As soon as the boss has 30 percent life, the wells will be covered with vines that you first have to clear.
Pack amulets that will protect you from natural damage.
Clearly distribute the roles among the DPS: who does the flowers, who does the eggs? Who gets the cleansing flowers for the volcanoes?
New World Aeternum is a revamped version of Amazon Games’ MMORPG, playable on consoles for the first time, with more options and a greater focus on story and the single-player experience. You can find out more about this here: Start time, preload, server, crossplay, cross-progression – this is what you need to know about the launch of New World Aeternum
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