New working methods: what impact on companies?

New working methods what impact on companies

In a context of digital transformation and digitization of the world of work, all the collaborative tools of a company are advancing into a new era. Between nomadism, coworking, digital workplace and teleworking, what are the impacts of these new ways of working on companies?

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With a constantly changing economic situation, companies must face permanent upheavals in order to adapt the working conditions of their employees. And this, with the aim of maintaining sufficient productivity and motivation.

How are the new ways of working organized?

New ways of working are emerging and are almost imposed on business managers. And that implies a new logistical, material and real estate organization.

Thus, coworking workspaces require for some companies the meeting room rental in order to offer their employees the opportunity to meet up for a few hours a week. This modularity of collaboration spaces is a flexible solution and allows managers to respond to the new mode of operation of their own teams.

But also, the massive introduction of teleworking allows companies to considerably reduce the cost of occupying premises while providing their employees with more comfort and motivation.

Impacts on companies

  • Consequences of new working methods on the organization of the company

Faced with the emergence of employee mobility and the digitization of activities, companies must reorganize their workspace in order to continue to offer their employees a material environment adapted to each of their functions.

As a result, the work areas had to be rearranged to match the schedules of the teams with the creation of flex-offices or smart-offices. The same goes for coworking and coliving spaces: shared offices and meeting rooms perfectly designed to offer more flexibility and friendliness within teams. This new organization promotes entrepreneurship and increases employee productivity.

There is also a way of working that deserves the full attention of human resources: it is telework. The principle for the employee is to exercise his activity outside the premises of the company. This, moreover, has a positive impact on the cost of renting the premises. The work generally takes place at the employee’s home, but he can also perform his duties as a nomadic worker.

Teleworking implies for the company to equip the employee with sufficiently reliable equipment so that he can carry out his professional activity in optimal conditions. This involves the technical installation of a computer office on a professional internet network. There is also the question of securing the data processed by the employee outside the company.

Thus, all these new working methods have consequences on team management techniques, which also need to be adapted.

  • Adaptation of management techniques to new working methods

The quality of space and working conditions is an important criterion that allows employees to estimate their degree of motivation and commitment within their company.

With the implementation of these new ways of working, minds are more creative and more immersive. In addition, coworking is a real boon for bringing out new ideas and optimizing the performance of each employee.

In this effervescent dynamic, management techniques are evolving. Managing the enhancement of teamwork, managing emotional intelligence or even the real integration of each member into a group are some of the new priorities for managers. The aim is to reduce the old hierarchical model as much as possible and replace it with a healthy and productive relationship of trust.

Regarding teleworking employees, remote management is also one of the new responsibilities of managers. The motivation at all times of the employee who finds himself alone is essential. For this, virtual team meetings or a communication tool available at any time are set up. But also, managers must learn to detect remotely signs of demotivation in order to adapt their managerial intervention before employee burnout.

Impacts on employees

On the employee side, these new ways of working bring a better quality of life at work.

Collaborative spaces promote the motivation of employees to emancipate themselves in their responsibility, which increases their creativity. But also, a healthier and more attractive workplace is more conducive to professional development.

As for teleworkers, better management of their time allows them to clearly distinguish between private life and work, with, also, more free time. With the transport time deducted from their day, the organization of family life is much simpler. And it increases the productivity and well-being of employees who work from their homes.

What you must remember

  • In a pleasant and optimized working environment, employees are less absent and more efficient.
  • The flexibility of new working methods is perfectly suited to the new digital environment of the company, but above all, to the state of mind of new generations of employees.
  • Thus, a more open material and psychological environment, freer and more responsible employees and managers who are oriented more towards a relationship of trust are the essential tools for a company perfectly adapted to new working methods.

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