New wolf attack outside Motala – protection hunt begins

The County Administrative Board has previously reported on two attacks on sheep caused by wolves, on 22 May and 3 June. A decision on protective hunting was made on the fourth of June, with the implication that protective hunting would start if further attacks occurred.

A new attack took place yesterday, where one sheep was found dead and four had to be euthanized due to injuries. The attack took place in the Fågelmossen wolf district.

Serious injury

– The County Administrative Board assesses that there is still a risk of serious injury, that there is no other suitable solution and that the hunt may continue, says Kristoffer Hellberg acting head of the Department for Animals, Rural Affairs and Food.

During the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, shots were fired at the wolf and then a shot site investigation was carried out, which showed that the wolf was not hit by the shots.

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