New wave energy generator that exceeds expectations from AWS Energy

New wave energy generator that exceeds expectations from AWS Energy

Every step taken on clean energy is of great importance for the future. This time a wave energy generator before us is located.

Behind this system Scotland-based AWS Energy firm is located. Today, it is a concept that has passed the concept stage and turned into a reality. wave energy generator the company that made a sound with Archimedes Waveswing In the tests made with the system called 20% higher efficiency He reports what he has achieved. The system, which has been subjected to ocean-based tests at the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) in Orkney for the last six months, is in a cylindrical structure and is positioned directly in the water.

Archimedes Waveswing system moves up and down with the change in water pressure caused by the wave movement above it, and thanks to this unending movement, can generate electricity. The system, which has a hydraulic motor at its center, is currently being tested with a huge 50-tonne prototype. The testing process can be seen directly in the video below. The video above shows the incoming working logic of the system beautifully.

Depending on different needs 15 kW and 500 kWIt is reported that versions of AWS Energy signed wave energy generatoraccording to the company’s statement from 12 hours can start work in a short time. Average in prototype tests 10 kWif at maximum 80 kW Generator generating energy is vital for a clean electricity future. Many countries still It seriously harms the environment while generating electricity.


In addition to the submarine, there are also studies on generating clean electricity from the sea. For example, a wave-focused solution had recently made a sound. Waveline Magnets behind the system called Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) firm was located. The system, which has been developed for a long time and whose real tests have been carried out as a prototype, uses the endless wave movement in the sea and with a specially established infrastructure. can produce energy in a clean way.

The system, which is reported to be able to produce up to 100-megawatts of electricity with large installations that can be made in suitable locations, is equipped with computer designs that explain the usage process well. here It clearly shows in the video. The infrastructure, which is reported to be more efficient than some of its counterparts and the general industry standard, is at the center of major development efforts based in Southern Cyprus and the UK, as noted.
