New visuals came from The Mandalorian and Grogu movie

The new visuals from the set of The Mandalorian and Grogu created excitement among fans. The BDX droids that will take part in the film are remarkable.

The popular characters of the Star Wars universe The Mandalorian and GroguPreparations for the new film of the film continued in full swing, the first visuals from the film were shared. In these visuals, we had the chance to see the location of BDX droids in the film and set designs. In addition, Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge Park “Smaggler’s Run” attraction, a mandalorian -themed experience was announced.

The Mandalorian and Grogu Movie Details

BDX droids resemble a design that fans are familiar with the BD-1 in the Star Wars: Jedi game series. In the film, it is not yet clear what kind of role these droids will play. However, shared visuals show that droids will have an important place in both the story and visual design. Previously, we have encountered a BD-72 in a part of The Mandalorian. The new BDX droids improve this design further.

The film’s director Jon Favreau said that this new adventure will take the audience to the Star Wars universe. In addition, the film will be released on May 22, 2026 and Pedro Pascal will appear in a new story with Grogu.

Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run, one of the popular attractions in Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge Park will be renewed with the theme of The Mandalorian and Grogu. This new experience will provide visitors a task parallel to the scenes of Mandalorian. In concept visuals, Razor Crest ship was flying in iconic spaces such as Bespin, a Jawa Castle and a death star wreckage.

The renewed attraction will meet fans on May 22, 2026, when the film will be released. Jon Favreau announced that this attraction offers a parallel story to the events in the film and will give visitors a unique Star Wars experience.

The Mandalorian and Grogu seem to be the beginning of a new era in the Star Wars universe. Prepared under the leadership of Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, this production will carry Star Wars fans to a different dimension in both cinema and Disney parks. More details are expected to be announced with the upcoming release date of the film.
