new victory and a 6th term!

new victory and a 6th term

DUPONT-AIGNAN. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is elected in the 8th constituency of Essonne ahead of the candidate Nupes Emilie Chazette-Guillet.

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[Mis à jour le 19 juin 2022 à 23h13] Nicolas Dupont-Aignan is elected in the 8th constituency of Essonne according to the final figures from the Ministry of the Interior transmitted this Sunday evening after the 2nd round of legislative elections 2022. It was above all for his opposition to health measures during the Covid-19 pandemic that the deputy was talked about during the previous term of office. He notably suggested the creation of a commission of inquiry into the side effects of vaccines against the coronavirus. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s latest proposal concerns the supervision of the development of wind turbines on national territory.

Candidate in the 8th district of Essonne, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan was elected with 57.26% of the vote according to the final figure transmitted by the services of Place Beauvau. The candidate Debout La France is clearly ahead of Emilie Chazette-Guillet candidate of Nupes (42.74%).

If he has distanced himself from certain figures of the extreme right, the sovereignist does not contribute alone to these legislative elections. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan has concluded a party agreement with Florian Philippot’s Les Patriotes, and the Generation Frexit movement. Together, they advance under the banner of the “Union for France” for these legislative elections hoping to compete with the National Rally, without success since the party of Marine Le Pen came third in the results of this second round of legislative elections, with nearly 90 seats in the National Assembly.
