new trial for rapper Saman Yasin

new trial for rapper Saman Yasin

The Iranian Supreme Court on Saturday (December 24th) ordered a new trial for Kurdish rapper Saman Yasin, sentenced to death. She also confirmed the death sentence against another young man, convicted of murdering a policeman.

With our correspondent in Tehran, Siavosh Ghazi

Iranian justice blows hot and cold. The death sentence of young Kurdish Saman Yasin has been overturned and his case has been sent back to the court of first instance for a new trial.

But at the same time, it confirmed the death sentence of Mohammad Ghobadlou, convicted of driving into a group of police officers with his car, causing the death of one of them and injuring several others. The Iranian justice did not specify when this sentence will be carried out.

Twenty people under threat

Already two young people have been hanged these last weeks. The first for having stabbed a militiaman and the second for having killed two other Islamist militiamen, still with bladed weapons in the city of Mashhad.

At least a dozen other people have been sentenced to death for violent actions in demonstrations described as ” riots by local authorities. Twenty people are under execution.

Thousands of people have been arrested and several hundred more have been killed since the beginning of the protest movement following the death of Mahsa Amini. The power accuses the United States and Israel, but also France, of supporting the protest movement by qualifying the demonstrators as rioters.

Read also: Iran: 2022, a year of crises
