After five years, the end of Netflix’s longest-running superhero series is imminent. The final season of The Umbrella Academy will be released in August and the streaming service is now announcing the conclusion with a new trailer The preview comes a week after allegations were made against showrunner Steve Blackman.
Here is the new trailer for The Umbrella Academy Season 4:
The Umbrella Academy – S04 Teaser Trailer (German) HD
In The Umbrella Academy Season 4, the end of the world is imminent
In the final episodes of the superhero series, the siblings have to get by without their superpowers after landing in a different timeline. Not the best timing, as the end of the world is supposed to be imminent in 24 hours.
Actor Nick Offerman (The Last of Us) is a new addition to the cast in season 4. The trailer is also available with the song The End by the band My Chemical Romance Frontman Gerard Way wrote the comic book for The Umbrella Academy.
At the beginning of July, public allegations were made against showrunner Steve Blackman, who was said to have created a toxic work environment through bullying and manipulative behavior. The Hollywood Reporter has access to parts of the investigations by Blackman’s lawyer, according to which only one of the allegations is true.
When does the finale of The Umbrella Academy start on Netflix?
All six episodes of the fourth season of The Umbrella Academy will be released on 8 August 2024 into Netflix’s streaming offering.
Podcast: The best series of 2024 (so far)
Which titles from the endless launch lists of Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more have really been worth it so far this year? What insider tips were there to discover? We have the 20 best series from the first half of 2024 for you.
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The series highlights of the year so far include not only heavyweights such as Netflix’s epic fantasy adaptation Avatar, Amazon’s video game adaptation Fallout or new seasons of popular series hits such as The Boys and House of the Dragon, but also exciting insider tips.