New tours around Pyttebron in Ängelholm

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

On June 20, the municipal council in Ängelholm pushed through the decision to replace the Pyttebron with a bridge that will handle car traffic. Something HD was the first to tell.

The Pyttebron has been a hot issue among the citizens of the municipality and many have protested against the decision in the municipal council.

In 2014, Ängeholm municipality had a referendum regarding the Pyttebron. But as there was too low a turnout, there was never a referendum. For a plebiscite to be valid, it is required that at least 35 percent of a municipality’s population vote on the issue.

“Absolutely not driven yet”

Karin Stenholm says that they are not going to give up easily.

– It’s definitely not done yet. We have seen that there are weaknesses in the detailed plan and we hope that the court will agree with us, she says.

Hear Karin Stenholm tell more in the video above.
