New Tesla Model 3 Spotted For The First Time!

New Tesla Model 3 Spotted For The First Time

Tesla Model 3, the model of Tesla, one of the biggest technology companies of today, which has been in production since 2017, will be on display with its new style in the second half of 2023.

Electric car brands and models continue to increase day by day. Especially Tesla is one of the leading brands in this field. Tesla started a new image study this year for the Model 3, which it launched in 2017.

For a long time, it was said that a series of revisions would be made in the appearance of the Model 3. According to the statements made today, Tesla Model 3 will be on the roads with its new style from the second half of the year. The first images of the change were also shared.

Model 3, which will have a more aggressive look than today’s electric cars with its new style, is already dreaming of Tesla fans.

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