Traffic to and from Arlanda Airport is up for discussion in Parliament.
The former M minister, Peter Normannow the government’s Arland investigator, last week submitted several proposals to the Minister of Infrastructure on, among other things, how Arlanda can become more easily accessible to motorists.
One of the proposals presented was that the part of the E4 that runs between Arlanda and Stockholm should be broadened.
Michaela Haga (C), Infrastructure Region Council in the Stockholm Region, looks positively at the proposal.
– It is positive that the investigator has identified the bottlenecks in the transport system as Region Stockholm and other players lifted for a long time, she says in a press release from the Center Party.
Norman also proposed that the distance between Arlanda and Stockholm should be covered by the congestion tax system, something that is hoped in combination with a public transport lane to reduce congestion.
Today, congestion tax is used in Stockholm and Gothenburg. There it includes both Swedish and foreign-registered vehicles, which will be relevant even if the distance from Stockholm to Arlanda is covered by tax.
– I am pleased that the investigator focuses on a transfer to sustainable transport, where public transport lane is an important part of this. At the same time, I welcome the opportunity to review the congestion tax, in order to secure financing and effective use of the roads, says Haga I the press release.
She also emphasizes that the congestion tax could reduce emissions from cars on that particular distance.
The full investigation will be completed only in May.