New suspect after girl’s disappearance

New suspect after girls disappearance

Published: Less than 30 min ago

fullscreenAnother man has been arrested on suspicion of child rape against a teenage girl. Archive image. Photo: Tim Aro/TT

Another man has been arrested on suspicion of involvement in the case of a teenage girl’s disappearance last fall, reports Nya Wermlands-Tidningen.

The girl, who is in her early teens, disappeared from her home in Värmland in mid-October. From there, she is believed to have taken a train to Gothenburg to meet a man in his 20s, who was later arrested.

The girl was later found unharmed.

Initially, the man was arrested on suspicion of having subjected the girl to grooming, but the criminal charges were then changed to two counts of child rape.

Now another man, aged 25, has been arrested on probable cause on suspicion of child rape, NWT reports.
