Facts: Previous Swedish support to Ukraine
The support package that was presented on Tuesday is the thirteenth military support package for Ukraine from Sweden.
The total value of the first twelve support packages is just over SEK 17 billion. The share consisting of weapons and equipment amounts to a value of approximately SEK 15.6 billion. It includes the artillery piece Archer, Leopard tanks and combat vehicles 90.
The remaining SEK 1.4 billion consists of financial support through funds.
Source: Government
The support package consists of ammunition for equipment from previous Swedish support packages, primarily for combat vehicle 90. It also contains spare parts for combat vehicle 90, tank 122 and the artillery piece Archer.
“During the spring and winter, we sent large material packages, now we are making sure that the Ukrainians can also use this in the long term to achieve success on the battlefield,” says the defense minister.
The total value of the support package is approximately SEK 3.4 billion.
The Riksdag and the finance committee have been convened extra this week to hammer out the support, which is the thirteenth. The dialogue with the other parties in the Riksdag has been “good and constructive”, says Pål Jonsson and adds that the conditions exist to make a quick decision.
So far, Sweden has donated defense equipment worth close to SEK 17 billion.