New subway trains became overcrowded – could not continue

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During Wednesday morning there were major disruptions in the subway traffic in Stockholm.

It was a drip plate that fell from the roof onto the tracks in Hornstull and this meant that you had to cut the power and it caused big train queues.

This caused a lot of people to gather on the platforms and the new metro trains, the C30 trains, cannot handle too many passengers and could not continue. This created even more chaos during the morning rush hour.

Claes Keisu, press communicator SL, explains to TV4 Nyheterna that the new trains have overload protection so that when it gets too heavy, the trains cannot roll.

– It’s much like an elevator. If you squeeze too many people in, the trains can’t run. This event is very rare, he says.

In the player above: See the train queues from Wednesday and hear Claes Keisu explain the congestion system.
