New subscription becomes a fiasco for Netflix: streaming service has to pay back money

New subscription becomes a fiasco for Netflix streaming service has

At the beginning of the year, what is probably the most popular streaming service in the world experienced its first crisis. Netflix lost in the first quarter 200,000 users. An increase of 2.5 million subscriptions was expected. The company had not experienced a decline in 11 years. One thing above all should improve: a cheaper advertising subscription. The success so far is, well, manageable.

Hardly anyone wants the advertising subscription from Netflix

Surprisingly quickly, in November, Netflix made its new subscription available. Much was expected of the alternative. It should attract people who spend less on streaming but don’t want to give up Netflix. (Price and more: Read all about the promotional subscription here).

Doubts about attractiveness were already loud back then: Is a subscription with advertising that costs only 3 euros less than the cheapest subscription without advertising really the mega offer when Netflix wanted to sell its innovation? Especially since the Image quality far below the current standard lies and even that offer smaller than the other subscription levels. To put it another way: Do you know someone who has booked the advertising subscription?

Unsurprisingly, Meedia reports, citing the US portal Digiday: The advertising variant is currently undercutting expectations. And that has consequences.

Netflix has to pay back money

Netflix may provide companies and brands that advertise on the platform not delivering the viewership promised, is it[calledOnly80percentofthecalculatedcrowdjumpedonthenewmodelAdvertiserscannowgettheirlossesback–whichnoteveryonewouldhavedonebyanymeansMostcompaniesbelieveingrowthandthat”Netflixwithadvertising”willprevailinthecomingmonthsAfteralltheofferisstillinitsinfancy

Netflix has to react now anyway: The streaming service lowered its price for companies that want to advertise.

Podcast: The 11 best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Amazon and Co.

Netflix, Amazon and Co. released numerous film originals again in 2022. You can find out which of these are the best of the year in the new episode of Streamgegefuehl.

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