New sub-variants of omicron conversion have raised coronary infections in Europe, especially in the Mediterranean and the UK

New sub variants of omicron conversion have raised coronary infections in

The new sub-variant would appear to circumvent the protection provided by previous coronavirus infections and vaccines more effectively than the previous ones.

In several European countries, the number of coronavirus infections has risen in recent weeks. The reason is not only the removal of almost all restrictions, but also the more rapid spread of new subvariants of the omicron transformation.

In France, the Minister responsible for vaccination Alain Fischer said on Wednesday that the number of new infections found on Tuesday peaked at two months. There were more than 95,000 cases detected per day.

Speaking on France 2, Fischer said there is no doubt that a new wave of the Corona is going on in France. He added that he would personally support a mask coercion in public transport.

The new sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5 for omicron transformation have increased infections almost everywhere in Europe. According to the European Center for Infectious Diseases (ECDC), sub-variant BA.5 is becoming dominant in the region.

The variants are not more dangerous than before, but they seem to be more contagious. That, in turn, could lead to an increase in the need for hospital care and the death toll, ECDC said.

– The new sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5 are 10-15% more contagious than before and will give the virus an extra kick, Davido continued.

The number of hospital admissions in France has risen by about 27% and the number of intensive care patients by 17% a week.

A dramatic rise in Portugal

However, the situation is even worse than in France, where the number of cases has risen dramatically. The seven-day average of new registered infections per million inhabitants was 2,043 on Monday, currently the second highest in the world.

Both the number of hospital admissions and the number of deaths have started to rise in Portugal. A large proportion of those admitted to hospital are infected with the BA.5 variant.

Infections have also started to rise in Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Denmark.

In Germany, infections have started to rise and authorities are warning the corona of a “summer wave”. Autumn and winter are of particular concern, and authorities are already preparing to keep schools open, protect fragile people and increase hospital capacity.

In Greece and Italy, the number of cases has almost doubled in a week.

“It’s the third summer of pandemics, and we still haven’t learned our homework,” said the Italian professor. Walter Ricciardi According to the Guardian.

The amount of hospital care has also increased: in England by 31 per cent.

According to The British Medical Journal, the new sub-variants would seem to be able to circumvent the inherited immunity better than the previous ones. Thus, a previous illness or vaccines do not protect as well against infections. However, vaccines would still appear to protect against the serious form of the disease.

In Denmark, the fourth coroner vaccinations in the autumn

Denmark, meanwhile, plans to offer a fourth coronavirus vaccine in the fall for at-risk groups as well as anyone over the age of 50, the Danish government said on Wednesday.

The number of coronavirus infections in Denmark has risen again in recent weeks.

BA.5 in particular has spread rapidly in Denmark. Prime minister Mette Frederiksen said the spread of the variant began earlier than expected.

Infections caused by the sub-variant now account for about 59% of all new infections in Denmark.
