New snow warnings – here there can be up to 20 centimeters of snow

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Now it’s spring, isn’t it…?

Not really. At least not if you ask SMHI.

Up to 20 centimeters of snow may arrive here next week

The snow warning is issued from Monday morning until around 11 pm in the evening. It applies to an area from Stockholm and Uppsala county in the east, over Dalarna and northernmost Värmland in the west.

In the east, between 5 and 15 centimeters is expected, and in the west slightly more, 10–15 centimeters. Locally in northernmost Värmland and large parts of Dalarna, up to 20 centimeters can fall. There, the warning also extends until early Tuesday morning.

On the night of Tuesday, the snowfall is expected to decrease, according to SMHI.
