Diablo 4 Season 2 is in full swing and Activision/Blizzard is releasing additional content that can be purchased for real money. The DLC bundle Father’s Mount has been available for around two days and is causing trouble in the community with its price tag of 64.99 euros.
Where does the turmoil come from? The new DLC bundle Father’s Mount has been available for Diablo 4 for about two days. The discussion in the community began with a post by Forbes journalist Paul Tassi on X.com (formerly Twitter):
Paul Tassi is a journalist for the English-language outlet Forbes. His focus includes entertainment and video games. Most recently, he had contact with insiders at Bungie, among other things, who gave him insights into the current events surrounding the layoffs at the studio and the possible postponement of the upcoming DLC.
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What does the community say? The comments on Paul Tassi’s post are divided. While some agree, others point out that Tassi’s post omits that 7800 Platinum is included in the bundle alongside the mount.
Here are some approvals:
This contrasts with the comments that indicate that Paul Tassi simply ignores parts of the bundle:
Why is the bundle worth it, even if it doesn’t look like it?
What’s included in the bundle and at what price? The entire package costs 64.99 euros in Germany. Included are the mount, the corresponding armor and 7800 Platinum, the in-game currency.
If the price of the DLC bundle only included the mount and armor, the excitement would probably be justified. The mount and the armor have no playful added value. They are purely cosmetic.
But since the bundle contains the 7800 Platinum, things look a little different. Here are the platinum bundles currently available via xbox.com and their prices:
The most expensive bundle version, based on the prices per platinum, is the one for 9.99 euros. You get the best price-performance ratio when you buy the most expensive version at 99.99 euros.
If you use the cheapest option, the bundle for 99.99 euros, and calculate the price per platinum, the 7800 platinums cost 67.82 euros in the best case scenario. If you use the most expensive possible version, the price for the platinum would be 77.92 euros.
The platinum included in the bundle alone makes up for the bundle’s price of 64.99 euros. If you also calculate how much you would pay per piece of platinum, you get the individual value of 0.00833205 euros – the cheapest price compared to the prices shown above.
The price of 64.99 euros would be absolutely exorbitant if the bundle really only included the mount and its armor. Thanks to the included platinum, 64.99 euros for a mount, armor and platinum worth between 67.82 euros and 77.92 euros is comparatively cheap.
Similar to the 40 euro skin for Moira from Overwatch 2, it also depends on whether you just want the mount, whether you are primarily interested in the platinum or whether you find the overall package satisfactory.
If you really just want the mount and not the in-game currency, you’re probably getting a bad deal here. But if you have use for 7800 platinum, you’ll get a pretty good deal with the bundle.
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