New salmonella alarm – 160,000 chickens are killed

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Salmonella was discovered in a stable at the producer already in January, after which the Swedish Agency for Agriculture increased sampling in the herd.

– We currently assume that it is not a new outbreak but part of the ongoing outbreak, where the infection has now been detected in another stable, says Maria Lundh, veterinarian and infection control officer at the Swedish Agricultural Agency to The barometer

The infection has been localized to a ward in a stable on the farm.

– In this new stable, there are about 160,000 hens. They must be euthanized because they moved in the infected environment. That is the way we can handle the infection, says Lundh SVT News Småland.

In January, 165,000 laying hens had to be killed as a result of the infection on the farm.

Earlier this week, Ica, Coop and Axfood recalled several egg packages due to the infection.
