New rules from 4 November – are you affected?

New rules from 4 November are you affected

There are new rules that will come into force on November 4, 2024.

The rules apply to wild boar meat, and are part of the government’s drive to increase the proportion of wild boar that reaches the plate. The new rules will above all affect hunters, but also restaurants and consumers.

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Several taxes are abolished this winter

There are several things that happen on November 1.

Among other things, several different taxes will be abolished following announcements from the government. One of those taxes is the plastic bag tax. The reason is that Sweden is far below the EU’s consumption target of a maximum of 40 thin plastic carrier bags per person per year.

Exactly how much a plastic bag will cost when the tax is abolished on 1 November is still unclear.

READ MORE: The tax is abolished on 1 November – the cost can be halved

Paper bags and plastic bags at Hemköp. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT. New rules from the Swedish Tax Agency

The Swedish Tax Agency will also come up with new rules on 1 November, but these apply to civil registration.

It is people from Ukraine and children born in Sweden who have received a residence permit who are affected.

– Until now, it has been the case that the persons must have been in Sweden for two years with such residence permits and that they must intend to stay for another year. It now applies that the persons must have had the residence permit for one year and intend to stay here for at least another six months, the authority writes in a press release.

READ MORE: The Tax Agency introduces new rules – they apply from 1 November

The Swedish Tax Agency’s app on the mobile phone. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT. New rules for wild boar meat – apply from 4 November

Now the Swedish Food Agency also announces that there will be a change on November 4.

In the past, wild boar hunters have been able to choose between leaving the wild boar at a game handling facility or taking it home to their own household. From November 4, hunters will have a third option: To hand in the meat directly to local stores, restaurants, or sell it to private individuals.

“This is a long-awaited step that provides more opportunities for hunters to leave wild boar further in the food chain, for consumers to get their hands on wild boar meat and for companies to develop their business,” says the Swedish Food Agency’s chief legal officer, Elin Häggqvistin a press release.

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Sirloin of wild boar. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT. Restaurants can buy meat directly from hunters

“All hunters may – without registration or training requirements – deliver 25 wild boars directly to local shops or restaurants, including public kitchens,” the authority writes on its homepage. It will be up to the restaurants themselves to ensure that the meat does not contain dangerous or unhealthy substances.

However, the restaurants that receive wild boar meat will be obliged to report to the municipality and comply with certain requirements.

Game handling facilities will also be able to sell meat to actors both within and outside of Sweden.
