Since 2008, the hamburger chain Max has worked with a tree planting project in Uganda, to compensate for the climate and help farmers. But in a review of The evening paper it has emerged that the project has had the opposite effect.
Max was supposed to save the environment – did the opposite
Max wanted to climate compensate for his emissions and therefore started a tree planting project in Uganda. This would be a win-win situation as Max could contribute to an improved environment and the farmers in Uganda could get an extra penny and more resilient land.
But according to Aftonbladet’s review, it didn’t go quite so well. According to the newspaper, the planted trees have grown so tall and dense that it has drastically made it difficult to grow food. This has instead led to food shortages, children being forced out of school and girls being married off. Which has meant that the farmers need to cut down the trees.
Another major failure is that the farmers have not been paid according to the agreement with Max, according to Aftonbladet.
Max blames the fiasco on the customers: “We don’t think that people..”
The hamburger chain Max. Photo: Samuel Steén/TTMax response to the claim
Aftonbladet has been in contact with Max.
“We take these claims very seriously and will ensure that Zeromission, which sold the carbon credits to us, follows up on these as soon as possible,” writes Quay Törökthe sustainability manager at Max, to Aftobladet.
He continues:
“If the follow-up shows that there are irregularities, we will act forcefully.”
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