New research reveals walking enigma: ‘Surprising’

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There is a biologically optimal walking pace. This is shown by new research from the School of Gymnastics and Sports.

We all walk about the same speed, and the optimal walking speed has been discovered. We all go in the same speed range – where the ratio between energy consumption and speed is at its best.

The discovery was made when taking a closer look at everyday exercise.

– When we looked at the 750 people who went to work, different distances and different times of the day, it was surprising that the speeds were so similar, says Peter Schantz, professor of human biology at the University of Gymnastics and Sports.

Among the cyclists, the speed differed – those with longer commutes cycled faster, but energy expenditure remained about the same.

– We believe that these findings mean that you want a high speed when you go to work, in order to arrive in a reasonable time, says Peter Schantz.

In the player: Hear the professor explain which speed range is most effective
