New regulation on the sale of second-hand vehicles and real estate

An important step was taken officially at night. A new regulation was made regarding the sale of second-hand vehicles and real estate.

featured on NTV According to the news, with the decisions published in the Official Gazette, it will be prevented from posting on fake accounts by hiding their identity on advertisement sites. Persons will only be able to post an authorization certificate for second-hand vehicles and real estate that do not belong to themselves, their spouses or one and second-degree relatives. Ad sites will be obliged to conduct an ad audit in accordance with this rule. A penalty between 10 thousand and 100 thousand liras will be applied for each advertisement that violates this rule. The official decision shared on this issue is exactly as follows:

“From the Ministry of Commerce:


ARTICLE 1- Subparagraph (f) of the first paragraph of Article 4 of the Regulation on the Trade of Second Hand Motor Vehicles published in the Official Gazette dated 13/2/2018 and numbered 30331 has been repealed.

ARTICLE 2- The first sentence of the fourth paragraph of the 13th article of the same Regulation and the subparagraph (c) of the same paragraph have been amended as follows, the following subparagraph has been added to the same paragraph to come after the subparagraph (c), and the other subparagraphs have been supplemented accordingly, and the existing subparagraph (e) of the same paragraph has been amended as follows: has been changed as follows.

“Real or legal persons who provide an electronic environment for advertisements for the sale of second-hand motor land vehicles belonging to others are obliged to comply with the following:”

“c) The real person’s name, surname and TR identity number or foreigner’s identity number and telephone number;

To verify the title and telephone number of the legal entity before membership or publication of the advertisement. verified

to keep the information up-to-date and to store this information.”

“ç) To verify before publishing the announcement that the vehicle subject to the advertisement belongs to the member who posted the advertisement or, if this member is a real person, to first and second degree blood relatives or spouse, or that the member who posted the advertisement is authorized by the vehicle owner who is the subject of the advertisement.”

“f) To take measures to prevent advertisements that distort the market structure or to mislead the consumer, to comply with the measures taken by the Ministry for the protection of effective and sustainable competition conditions and the consumer.” ARTICLE 3- The fifth paragraph of Article 23 of the same Regulation has been amended as follows.

“(5) Administrative fines stipulated in Article 18 of Law No. 6585 are applied by the Ministry for those who violate the fourth paragraph of Article 13 of this Regulation in subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 12 of the Law No. 6563.”

ARTICLE 4- This Regulation;

a) Two months after the publication of Article 2,

b) Other articles enter into force on the date of publication. ARTICLE 5- The provisions of this Regulation are executed by the Minister of Commerce.”
