New record in number of instant players on Steam

New record in number of instant players on Steam

A new record has been set in the number of instant players on Steam. New games and the use of SteamDeck are thought to affect the number of players.

It was stated that a new record was broken in the number of instant players on Steam. We see that the increase in the number of instant players on Steam, which has come across with new record news one after another in the past period, continues and even an important threshold has been exceeded. Steam, which is indispensable for PC gaming, of course continues to maintain its place at the top.

The number of instant users on Steam has exceeded 30 million

During the pandemic period, Steam, which broke two records, especially in 2021, exceeding 24 million and then 27 million, this time passed another important threshold and exceeded the number of 30 million players. The last record was broken on January 2, 2022 with 27,942,036 players. On October 23, a new record was set with the number of 30,032,005 players.

The list of the most played productions at the moments when the record was broken was also shared. When we look at the list, of course, we see the Counter Strike: Global Offansive game in the first place. Right after that, we see games such as Lost Ark, Team Fortress 2, Apex Legends and PUBG, respectively, along with DOTA 2, the invincible game of the summit.

The SteamDeck console is also thought to make a great contribution to the number of instant players.
