New protocol with Inail: the government focuses on safety in agricultural workplaces

Agriculture Lollobrigida fruit and vegetable Cambiale good funds exhausted in

(Finance) – “An agreement will be signed soon new protocol with INAILa further step forward in our actions to prevent accidents and promote safety in the workplace, strengthening collaboration between institutions and the agricultural sector”. Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigidaon the occasion of the presentation of the Inail annual report.

“The Government is committed to improving conditions safety and health in the workplace, introducing technological innovations and prevention practices – recalls the minister – We have hired 111 new inspectors to increase controls. With the ISI 2023 tender, funds for the purchase of safe vehicles they went from 30 to 90 million, supported by 400 million from the PNRR for agricultural vehicles and by 225 million from the Innovation fund”.

“We want to modernize, increase training and improve the quality of life of our farmers. From day one, we are committed to combat all forms of illegal work, exploitation and gangmasteringalso through training, both for Italian and foreign workers”, concluded Lollobrigida.
