new proof of life of Olivier Dubois, hostage in the Sahel for more than 11 months

new proof of life of Olivier Dubois hostage in the

An undated video featuring Olivier Dubois has been circulating on social networks since Sunday. Malian sources claim that it appears authentic. In the video of about a minute, the French journalist kidnapped on April 8, 2021 in Gao addresses his relatives and the French government.

With our correspondent in Bamako, Serge Daniel

My name is Olivier Dubois, kidnapped on April 8, 2021 in Gao by the Support Group for Islam and Muslims. In voice and face, it would be the French journalist Olivier Dubois. The video is not dated, but several Malian sources very familiar with the cases related to the kidnappings of hostages, affirm that it seems very authentic. In one minute and nine seconds, Olivier Dubois delivers several messages. The most important: proof of life.

He speaks to the mother of his children from whom he received photos sent by him. He also addresses his parents. The messages from them that he receives through RFI are a real breath of fresh air. The location where the video was shot is not specified. It would probably be in a desert area since he has a blue turban around his neck and while speaking in front of the camera, he chases a fly or two out of sight.

In the video now circulating extensively on social networks, the French hostage also addresses the French government. A classic process whose objective is to accelerate negotiations for his release.

Olivier Dubois is the only French hostage in the world since the release in October 2020 of Sophie Pétronin, who had also been kidnapped in Mali.

►Also read: Ten months of captivity in Mali for French journalist Olivier Dubois
