New Prime Minister Michel Barnier meets with Macronist MPs to secure support

New Prime Minister Michel Barnier meets with Macronist MPs to

The new Prime Minister went to the parliamentary days of the Ensemble pour la République group on Tuesday, September 10, in Rosny-sur-Seine, in the Yvelines department. In front of the 97 deputies of the presidential formation, Michel Barnier had to give them assurances so as not to alienate the left wing of Macron’s party.

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Far from being a given, his arrival was only confirmed on Monday evening. Michel Barnierthe meeting was nevertheless of the utmost importance. Tuesday, September 10, the new Prime Minister appointed Thursday, September 5 by the President Emmanuel Macron went to the parliamentary days of Ensemble pour la République (ex-Renaissance) with one objective: to try to obtain the support of the elected representatives of the former majority, who constitute his first contingent of support, while he did not know most of them.

During this session of cuddle therapy, the new tenant of Matignon made it clear to the elected members of the presidential party that he intended to respect all sensitivities within their group and to show a great deal of respect and listening between the government and Parliament.

No blank check, immigration concerns

This statement comes at a time when many divisions are currently dividing the former Renaissance group with, on one side, a left wing and some ” historical “who are particularly concerned about the migration policy that Mr Barnier intends to pursue, and, on the other, an enthusiastic right wing eager to participate in his government.” I need you and the President of the Republic needs you […], and I have many reasons to feel at ease among you ” he also said according to a number of participants at the meeting.

Michel Barnier is, however, well aware that the Macronist deputies are not signing him a blank cheque, especially since a little earlier in the day, Gabriel Attalhis predecessor at Matignon who now chairs the parliamentary group, had estimated in front of his troops that the new head of government could not take their support for granted. In response, Michel Barnier praised the courageous and dynamic Prime Minister that Gabriel Attal was. While some feared that he would receive a frosty reception, several elected officials present were pleased that his visit had, on the contrary, been very warm.

President Emmanuel Macron seeks to consolidate his new role

By Valerie Gas

Long empty due to the search for a Prime Minister, Emmanuel Macron’s diary filled up very quickly for the week of September 9. After the appointment of Michel Barnier to Matignon, the head of state resumed his travels and began to invent his new role. In the Rhône on Tuesday September 10, at the Council of State on Wednesday 11, in Le Havre on Thursday 12, on the Champs Elysées to celebrate the Olympic athletes on Saturday 14: Emmanuel Macron returns to the spotlight, to the field, and resumes his presidential activities with one challenge: to show that he has understood that, from now on, nothing is the same as before, that the dissolution and the legislative elections have sounded the death knell for the exercise of power in the omni-presidential way.

Since the appointment of Michel Barnier, the head of state has entered a new era and his entourage has made this known: ” The President presides, the Prime Minister governs “. The strict application of institutions, they say… So to move from words to demonstrations, Emmanuel Macron has filled his agenda far from political consultations, a way of showing that he is leaving the Prime Minister to maneuver to form a government. Their meetings to discuss the new ministerial team are set as they go along and, at this stage, the president has not received any candidate for a portfolio, says an advisor who explains that Emmanuel Macron and Michel Barnier must ” define a new working method “In other words, Emmanuel Macron must find his place in this “coexistence” which reduces his prerogatives to the sole perimeter of his reserved domains.
