New President Massoud Pezeshkian’s Message to the World

New President Massoud Pezeshkians Message to the World

He has not yet been sworn in, but the new Iranian president is already outlining his foreign policy. In an op-ed published by the English-language daily Tehran TimesMassoud Pezeshkian says he is ready to begin a “constructive dialogue” with the European Union.

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The main objective of the new head of state is to bring Iran out of its isolation. Massoud Pezechkian first addresses his closest neighbors: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar… With a priority message: to put pressure on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

In this long text, “Message to the New World”published by the Tehran TimesMassoud Pezechkian then looks towards Russia – described as “ a valuable strategic ally ” – and towards China, with whom he wishes to collaborate more.

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A dialogue with the EU

With European countries, he explains that he has “ look forward to engaging in constructive dialogue to put (their) relations on the right track “.

The tone is becoming firmer with the United States, six years after its withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear agreement. Washington must ” to recognize the reality and understand, once and for all, that Iran is not responding – and will not respond – to pressure ” warns the president of theIran.

This first ” message to the new world “, of the one who presents himself as a reformer, must not make us forget that his room for maneuver is limited. The conservatives control the other organs of power and the possible return of Donald Trump at the White House could lead to new sanctions against the country.

Read alsoIran: What Room for Maneuver for the Reformist President?
