New popular front, live: the alliance sealed, but no consensus for Matignon… Difficulties ahead?

New popular front live the alliance sealed but no consensus

The union of the left has been “sealed” under the banner of the New Popular Front, announced the left parties and environmentalists. The coalition established single candidacies and a government program, but discussions on the incarnation of the union to claim Matignon did not come to fruition.

10:15 – The PS, big winner of the new alliance

By comparing the distribution of constituencies between the different parties which made up the Nupes and today the New Popular Front, it is clear that it is the Socialist Party which emerges as the winner. The PS will have a candidate in 175 constituencies, compared to 70 two years ago. EELV gains 15 territories and will be present in 92 constituencies, while the communists have obtained nothing more… nor less: 50 candidates, as in 2022. On the other hand, a clear decline for LFI which will only be represented in 229 constituencies, compared to 326 during the last legislative elections.

09:59 – No Mélenchon Prime Minister for the Socialists

Mélenchon, no! Through the voices of Raphaël Glucksmann and Pierre Jouvet, general secretary of the PS, the rose party declared itself against the presentation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the post of Prime Minister if the New Popular Front obtains the majority in the Assembly national. “In the end, it will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon. For a simple reason: you need a person who creates consensus,” justified Glucksmann.

09:34 – Pierre Larrouturou invested in Essonne

European MP from 2019 to 2024, Pierre Larrouturou has just announced that he will be the candidate of the New Popular Front in the 5th constituency of Essonne. A territory deemed winnable by the left alliance since in 2022, Cédric Villani, invested by Nupes, had failed by 9 votes against Paul Midy, candidate of the presidential majority. In this constituency, Renaissance collected 21.1% of the votes last Sunday in the European elections, just ahead of Place Publique/PS (19.31%), the RN (13.62%) and LFI (12.63%).

09:10 – “Imagine, July 7..”: Glucksmann justifies his joining the Popular Front

While many PS/Place publique voters in the European elections were surprised by Raphaël Glucksmann’s choice to join the left alliance, the MEP said he “understands” the reaction of his supporters, who “can be stunned, disappointed or betrayed” by this choice in his words. But above all he explained his approach: “I would just like to tell them one thing: close your eyes and imagine July 7, in three weeks, 300 RN deputies, Jordan Bardella Prime Minister, Thierry Mariani Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marion Maréchal Minister of Culture or Family, Eric Ciotti on the Interior… Close your eyes and understand: it means the end of support for Ukraine, the destruction of the European Union, of marching on the rule of law , the sorting of foreign patients at the hospital, the privatization of the public service. Faced with this, we need unity of action against the National Rally.

09:00 – Glucksmann satisfied with the alliance

Silent, or almost, since Monday, Raphaël Glucksmann spoke this morning on France Inter. The leader of Place Publique, elected Sunday evening to the European Parliament, was satisfied with the agreement reached by the left for a union during the legislative elections. “I think that at a given moment, every man, every woman, must look history and become aware of one’s responsibilities,” he said on the air. An alliance nevertheless made with “enemies” of his European campaign. “I am before you without any forgetting,” he clarified.

08:43 – The first clues about the program of the New Popular Front

“We have succeeded in building a gathering which goes well beyond the Nupes” assured Fabien Roussel, the number one of the French Communist Party last night on BFMTV. The politician also slipped in some details on the coalition program which provides, among other things, for the indexation of salaries to inflation, but also for pensions which will therefore increase immediately. These measures are part of a “pact for purchasing power” according to the communist. He also mentioned the repeal of Parcoursup and the establishment of a student income so that young people “are no longer forced to go to work to pay for their studies”.

08:30 – The union of the left “is not Nupes 2”

MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, who has become a figure on the left, assures that the union of the left “is not Nupes 2″ on France Inter. “There was a reversal of the balance of power” with the European elections, he recalled, estimating that after the victory of the PS-Place publique list in the June 9 vote, “there will be no domination overwhelming LFI” within the coalition. He also adds that the common program is “not the LFI program”.

08:18 – The program of the New Popular Front unfolded at midday

The New Popular Front of the left must present the broad outlines of its program at midday this Friday, June 14, three days before the start of the official campaign, during a press conference bringing together representatives of the member parties of the coalition.

08:15 – The union of the left sealed!

After four days of negotiations, the left and environmentalists reached an agreement and came together behind a common government program which will be defended during the 2024 legislative elections.

At this time, the representatives of the different parties of the New Popular Front simply agreed on the presentation of a single candidate for the left in each constituency, with a distribution by party. Concerning the government program, the measures have not yet been detailed but the first commitments have been announced in the media:

A press conference must be given this Friday June 14, 2024 in order to detail further measures. A list of strong actions carried out during the first 100 days of government will thus be revealed to the general public.
