Without Tron, the Marvel Cinematic Universe could have folded. The 1982 sci-fi film is considered groundbreaking in the history of CGI technology in cinema and is celebrated as a milestone in its genre. After Tron: Legacy, fans have been waiting for part 3 of the franchise for 14 years. Tron: Ares is now a little closer to its theatrical release.
The sci-fi shoot for Tron 3 ends with a picture of Joker star Jared Leto
Director Joachim Rønning shared a picture of the shoot on Instagram, which he declared to be successfully completed in his statement. You can see Jared Leto (Suicide Squad), whose eye is filmed for a close-up. The content of the scene, similar to the majority of the Tron 3 story, is not yet known.
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Rønning would like to thank the cast and crew for their tireless commitment, despite “six weeks of night shoots“ never let up. He believes that the team “Limits of filmmaking” I have redefined for this film.
However, it is to be expected that the most intensive part of the production for the makers is yet to come. CGI-heavy films, which Tron 3 seems to be one of, spend months or even years in post-production visually perfect to be reworked.
When is Tron 3 coming to cinemas?
Accordingly, sci-fi fans will have to wait a while for the theatrical release of Tron: Ares. Only on October 10, 2025 The film will be released in US cinemas. It is not yet clear when it will appear in Germany.
Podcast: The best streaming films so far in 2024 on Netflix, Amazon and Co.
We’re taking a first look back at the streaming year 2024 and introducing you to the five best streaming films that have been released on Netflix, Amazon and Co. to date.
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Tough fighting action from Germany, a thoughtful science fiction adventure with Adam Sandler and new films from three great directors: There have already been some strong films to discover in the streaming sector this year.