New Pfizer vaccine is coming, new school rules

New Pfizer vaccine is coming new school rules

COVID. The coronavirus epidemic in France is still very active, with hundreds of thousands of infections every day. Pfizer announced the arrival of a new vaccine for March; the French government has lightened the health protocol in class … Latest news.

13:21 – New vaccination centers for children

There are now 505 centers that offer to vaccinate children, where they were only 350 across France last week and only 100 in December 2021, said the Ministry of Health, which hopes to achieve ” 90% of centers offering a pediatric vaccination line “.

As a reminder, only 90,000 children aged 5 to 11 have received a first dose since December 22.

12:45 – More than 50% of Europeans infected with Omicron within 2 months, according to WHO

On Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) said it predicted that more than half of Europeans will have been infected with the Omicron variant within 6 to 8 weeks.

12:29 – Vaccine pass: Gérard Larcher details the Senate amendments

On Franceinfo, the President of the Senate Gérard Larcher indicated that “the senatorial majority [à droite]”was going to” vote “on the vaccine pass … after having made” adjustments “, in particular on its duration of application and the modalities in which it will take effect.

If he assures that “the senatorial majority, and I will be associated with it, will vote for this vaccination pass”, he nevertheless specified that his “colleagues have set in committee a bar above which the vaccination pass applies, 10,000 hospitalizations, and below which it no longer applies “, so” that it can apply in the event of a new wave “.

The committee also decided to maintain the health pass for minors. On the question of identity control, reserved for the moment to cafetiers and restaurateurs, “we are modulating it, there will be in-depth debates on this subject Tuesday evening and Wednesday,” he detailed.

11:55 – Jean-Michel Blanquer gives details of the new school health protocol

On BFMTV, Jean-Michel Blanquer confirmed that the new school health protocol would apply in two stages. From today, if a positive case is found in a student’s class, the rest of the students in the class will be able to stay in school until the end of the day – unlike until the end of the day. ‘to Monday, when parents were to come and withdraw their children from school at the time of the announcement. On the other hand, it is from Friday that it will be possible to carry out a self-test as the first screening of the series of three tests, in the event of a positive student in the class – against a PCR or an antigen today.

11:39 – Jean-Michel Blanquer to parents: “What you experienced last week is very complicated

At the microphone of BFMTV, the Minister of National Education conceded that the successive changes in health protocols at school have put stress on many screening centers throughout the country, which has aroused the exasperation of parents of students: “I know what you went through last week is very complicated,” he said on the 24-hour news channel. Before adding: “But we did it for your children”

11:32 – “We are the land of the open school”

Jean-Michel Blanquer defended the government policy of keeping schools open on Tuesday: “We are the country of open schools, unlike many countries,” he said.

11:21 – “We are in a logic of permanent adaptation”, pleads Jean-Michel Blanquer

On BFMTV, summoned to explain the successive changes in health protocols at school, Jean-Michel Blanquer defended himself, indicating that the government was “in a logic of permanent adaptation” and that it had to face “a situation crisis that creates constraints. Circumstances constantly force us to adapt “.

11:12 – 50,000 students positive for Covid-19 in France

Still on the microphone BFMTV, Jean-Michel Blanquer said that 50,000 students had tested positive for Covid-19 in France. The Minister of National Education also specified that Île-de-France was “much more affected than the rest of the country”.

11:09 – Around 10,000 classes closed in France

Guest of BFMTV this Tuesday, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer indicated that around 10,000 classes were closed in France, which represents “2% of primary classes”. He added that this phenomenon affects urban areas more than rural areas.

10:55 – New school health protocol: “Open schools with infected students”

On Franceinfo, epidemiologist Mahmoud Zureik alerted on Tuesday to the fact that the new health protocol would move France “from open schools but without pupils, to open schools with infected pupils”. Hammering that “we never tried to really secure schools”, he wondered that “the proportion of parents who will download the document to look for the self-tests, how many will go and get the self-tests, how many will perform them, and achieve them well, without having explained how important it is “.

Also assuring that “we will add to educational and social inequality, health inequality”, the epidemiological indicated that, according to him, there will be more contamination in disadvantaged areas. And to conclude on the fact that, even if the serious forms remain less frequent in children, yesterday, “there were 73 children between 0 and 9 years in intensive care and more than 300 in hospitalization”.

10:41 – Gabriel Attal denounces the postponement of operations because of the unvaccinated

At the microphone ofEurope 1, Gabriel Attal regretted, “as is the case today”, that “people with cancer, who have been vaccinated, are waiting for an important operation and are told that their operation is postponed by a month or two because we have to make room in hospitals to accommodate mainly unvaccinated people, who suffer from a severe form of Covid “.

10:25 – The vaccine pass is not the government’s “social project”, assures Gabriel Attal

On Europe 1, the spokesperson of the government assured that “the vaccine pass is not our project of society”. And to add: “As soon as we can do without the vaccine pass, we will happily do without it”

10:11 – “More than 200,000 first-time injections last week”, assures Gabriel Attal

At the microphone ofEurope 1, Gabriel Attal insisted that the executive’s strategy of putting pressure on the unvaccinated “works”: “More than 200,000 adults were given their first injection last week,” he said. he rocks. And to add that, if the entire French population were vaccinated, “we would have significantly fewer people hospitalized today, we would have less pressure on the hospital service”.

09:53 – School: the government prefers “to test than to close”

Guest ofEurope 1 this Tuesday, January 11, government spokesperson Gabriel Attal assumed the government’s strategy for schools: “We assume to leave schools open as much as possible and it is a choice that we made from the start of this campaign. This is a choice which has enabled us to have schools in France open twice as many as in Germany, three times as many as in Italy, four times as many as in the United States, because we knows that it is good for the children, for their morale, their health. And it is also good for countries. Schools which close, it is a country which lowers the curtain and that is not what the we wish, “he hammered.

Recognizing that “we must obviously fight against the circulation of the virus, manage to detect positive cases, isolate them” and that the choice to keep schools open is “a difficult solution, especially when the virus circulates a lot”, Gabriel Attal said assured that the “rules” that the executive has chosen to put in place and “develop, because we are pragmatic” nevertheless allow the opening of classrooms in complete safety. And to support: “We adapt while keeping this objective of health security but also of school continuity”.

09:41 – The vaccine pass bill examined in the hemicycle

The text of the vaccine pass bill will be, from this Tuesday, examined in the chamber of the Senate. An examination that the LR chairman of the Law Commission François-Noël Buffet wishes “appeased and serious”.


According to the latest data from Public Health France, communicated on Sunday, January 9, the seven-day average continues to increase and is now close to 270,000 new cases. In the past 24 hours, 284 people have died from Covid-19 in hospital. The incidence rate has once again increased in the past 24 hours and is now 2,545 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants, ie 95 points more than the day before. Here is the detailed report:

According to last epidemiological point of Public Health France (SPF), published Thursday, January 6, France is facing an “extremely marked acceleration in the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 linked to the very rapid progression of the Omicron variant and increase in new hospitalizations”. On average, the incidence rate was 1,908 positive cases per 100,000 population nationwide.

Follow the evolution of the coronavirus in your town using the map below. Click on a department to display the list of municipalities. Also find all the details on this mapping and the full point by city and by department in our article on the Covid map in France.

Since mid-October 2020, Public Health France has been communicating incidence data (number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants) at the municipal level. The figures are at this stage communicated according to a scale (10, 20, 50, 150, 250, 500, 1000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). The data are expressed on a rolling week, which means that they are calculated on a day D from the tests carried out between 3 and 9 days previously. To access information relating to the coronavirus in your town, enter its name into the search engine or click on its department in the map below.

As a reminder, the incidence rate corresponds to the number of new cases of Covid-19 over a period of one week, compared to the total population of a territory (country, region, department or municipality). This indicator is generally expressed in number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The screening rate gives the number of people who have tested for the coronavirus out of the total number of inhabitants, during the period. It is also expressed most often on 100,000 inhabitants. Finally, the test positivity rate gives the percentage of positive tests for the coronavirus, compared to the total number of tests carried out over the period.
