Those responsible for Dragon’s Dogma 2 have released a preview of the next patch. In addition to fixes for minions, bugs and the map, the developers are defusing one of the role-playing game’s deadliest features.
Which Dragon’s Dogma 2 feature needs to be defused? This affects the dragon plague, which can wipe out entire villages and cities in one fell swoop. This is a contagious, disease-like condition that the role-playing game’s minions can suffer.
If your vassal’s plague has progressed far enough and you spend the night in an inn, catastrophe will occur. The infected vassal kills all residents in the area – including quest givers and traders.
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How should the dragon plague be defused? According to a post by Capcom on X, the frequency with which minions can become infected should be reduced. On the other hand, you should be able to recognize more easily when your vassal has caught the dragon plague.
There are definitely ways to combat the dragon plague. There is no known medical antidote, but you can simply throw affected minions into the deep water before disaster occurs. You can then revive your main vassal at the next Riftstein. You simply replace secondary vassals with new warriors.
Additional fixes for all platforms
What other improvements does the patch bring? The Capcom developers promise fixes and adjustments for various areas of Dragon’s Dogma 2:
It is still unclear when exactly the update will go live. The developers explain that the patch will be released for PlayStation, Xbox and Steam as soon as it is tested and ready for release. If you are looking for guides for the role-playing game, take a look here:
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides: All tips and tricks at a glance