The latest patch in Minecraft missed a feature. The reason for this seems strange – there is concern that real animals will die.
A new patch is available in Minecraft today. The update with version number 1.19 is called “The Wild” and expands the game world with a lot of interesting content. There are new biomes, mangroves, ancient ruins, but also dark creatures like the deadly Warden, who seeks your life if you want to explore the secrets of ancient civilizations.
However, one feature didn’t make it into the patch: fireflies.
Not because the developers couldn’t make it in time, but for another reason. There is concern that some Minecraft players might otherwise kill frogs in real life.
What should fireflies be in Minecraft? Fireflies should make the world a little more lively and fly through the air as colorful sparks. At the same time, they should also serve as a food source for a new, neutral mob: frogs.
According to the original plan, frogs should be able to feast on fireflies and hunt them down as prey.
This has been changed and instead of fireflies, frogs now prefer to eat small slimes that they can find in the swamps. Definitely sounds healthier.
Minecraft: Trailer for the big update The Wild shows cozy campfire atmosphere and a horrible new beast
Why are the developers changing this? The implementation of the fireflies received a lot of feedback from the community and concerned animal lovers. Because fireflies are often a threat to toads and frogs in the real world – because they are poisonous to the animals. So you shouldn’t give frogs food to eat.
While Minecraft is of course a video game that may have different laws than the real world, the developers take their responsibilities to players seriously. After all, Minecraft is played by all age groups, including many children. It is not for nothing that there is an “educational” variant that can be used in schools, for example.
So the answer is clear: You don’t want to teach anyone in the game that it’s good to feed frogs with fireflies when in reality they could be poisonous to the frogs.
What else is in the patch? The big update “The Wild” not only brought the frogs, but also a lot of innovations and improvements. The full list is quite long, but there are new biomes and areas for explorers to explore, as well as new blocks for creative builders to experiment with. Especially cool: There is a way to convert mud into clay and thus produce endless bricks. That was not possible in the past.
How do you like patch 1.19 of Minecraft?