New parking garage in Kiruna for SEK 90 million is empty

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The parking garage, which is equipped with both engine heaters and charging for electric cars, is located on Aili Kangas street, in the same building as Scandic, near the city hall and the large shopping areas that recently opened in Kiruna.

The location should be ideal for a parking garage, but now it turns out that it is largely empty and visitors choose to squeeze into a temporary outdoor parking lot.

– There are obviously enough places, even if it is crowded in the outdoor parking lots, then it is free there and it costs money in the parking lot. I think people don’t have the knowledge and aren’t used to parking in parking lots yet, but the building will definitely be needed in the future, says Gunnar Selberg (C), municipal councilor in Kiruna.

In the clip, you hear some of Kiruna’s residents about why they choose to crowd the outdoor parking lot instead of standing in the parking garage.
