New Oscar winner Will Smith resigns from the U.S. Film Academy

New Oscar winner Will Smith resigns from the US Film

The difference is due to the actor’s violent behavior at the Oscars.

2.4. 05:18 • Updated 2.4. 06:35

Recent winner of the Oscar for Best Actor Will Smith has said he is resigning from the U.S. Film Academy. Smith told the issue in a press release sent to several US media in the early hours of Finnish time.

Underlying the resignation is Smith’s violent behavior at the Oscar gala last night between Sunday and Monday. He beat the comedian Chris Rockiawho had told on stage a joke about Smith ‘s wife.

– I betrayed the Academy’s trust. I deprived other nominees and winners of the opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated for their great performances, Smith said in a statement.

The Oscar-winning U.S. Film Academy has said it condemns Smith’s behavior and is launching an inquiry into the matter.
