A new administrative formality has come into force and many owners will have to comply with it.
New turn of the screw with certain owners. While property owners must juggle numerous obligations and various taxes, a new layer has just been added to this millefeuille. This is an additional administrative process, which concerns around 1 million owners. And it is better to respect it otherwise you will have to put your hand in your wallet.
This does not concern all property owners, but those who carry out seasonal, short-term rentals. That is to say those who rent a house or apartment for a few days or weeks, via platforms such as AirBnb, Leboncoin or even Abritel. After the increase in taxes to be paid on this type of income, another turn of the screw came into force.
Until now, people who engage in this practice could do so freely, without too many constraints and even benefited from significant tax optimization. Things have been reviewed: taxes have therefore been increased and a new formality must now be completed, in order to guarantee decent housing.
From now on, owners who rent short-term accommodation must have carried out an energy performance diagnosis (EPD) of their home. As for long-term rentals, this document will now be mandatory because the timetable prohibiting rental according to the result of the DPE will also apply to short-term accommodation: those classified “G” will be prohibited for rental from 2025 , the “F” from 2028 and the “E” from 2034.
If this health certificate will not be provided to the platforms, it may be requested by the town hall, in particular as part of a rental permit application. It is provided that if within two months following the request, the document is not presented by the owner and the rental is nevertheless carried out, a fine of 100 euros per day will be applied as long as it is not provided to municipal services. Knowing that a DPE costs between 100 and 250 euros, it is therefore better to comply quickly.