New move from the USA! Sending second aircraft carrier to Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel

New move from the USA Sending second aircraft carrier to

While the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier and its accompanying task group were heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel, it was claimed that the US administration was considering sending a second aircraft carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel. In the news in the US press, it was stated that the purpose of sending the second ship in question was to prevent other countries from getting involved in the conflicts between Israel and Hamas.

In his statement on October 8, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin, following the meetings with US President Joe Biden, announced that in response to Hamas’ attacks on Israel, the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier and its accompanying task group will be deployed to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel. He announced that he was sent to .


US President Joe Biden made a statement after his third phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the outbreak of conflicts between Israel and Palestine. Describing Hamas’s attacks on Israel as “pure evil,” Biden said, “There are moments in this life, literally, when pure, unadulterated evil emerges in the world. “The Israeli people experienced such a moment this weekend,” he said.

Stating that more than a thousand civilians were murdered in Israel, Biden said, “Hamas’ brutality and bloodlust bring to mind the attacks of ISIS. Unfortunately for the Jewish people, this is not new. “This attack has brought to light painful memories and the pain left behind by thousands of years of anti-Semitism and genocide against the Jewish people,” he said.

14 Americans died

Stating that at least 14 US citizens lost their lives in the attacks carried out by Hamas, Biden also stated that there were US citizens held hostage by Hamas. Biden said, “Young people attending the music festival held to celebrate peace were murdered.”

Americans Held Hostage

Emphasizing that the USA stands by Israel, Biden announced that he ordered the sharing of intelligence with Israel and the assignment of experts to support the efforts to save the hostages. Biden emphasized that his administration has no higher priority than the security of Americans held hostage around the world.


Warning those who think of taking advantage of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Biden said, “Let me say it once again, no matter what country it is, no matter what organization it is, I have only one word for everyone who thinks of taking advantage of this situation: Don’t do it. Our hearts may be broken, but our determination is clear.”


Announcing that additional military aid will be provided to Israel, including Iron Dome air defense system ammunition, Biden said, “We will ensure that Israel is not deprived of these critical assets to defend its cities and citizens.”

Biden sees the Israel issue as above politics
Stating that the situation in Israel is above politics, Biden said, “This is about the security of our world, the security of the United States.” (UAV)
