New moon of June 6: luck and good humor guaranteed for three astrological signs

New moon of June 6 luck and good humor guaranteed

The new moon of June 6, 2024 is imminent and promises beautiful emotions for certain signs of the zodiac. Find out if you’re one of the lucky ones!

On Thursday June 6 at 2:37 p.m. the new moon of the month will take place in the sign of Gemini. This astronomical event which will see the Moon completely disappear from the starry sky will be accompanied by significant effects on some signs of the zodiac. Symbol of a cycle which is beginning, this new moon should favor three astrological signs which will benefit from positive energies while others will have to be extra vigilant to take advantage of the situation and get through this lunar phase without incident.

A good time for Aries, Gemini and Aquarius

Luck will be there for these three signs who will be able to take full advantage of the lunation generating happiness and authenticity in their lives. Aries will be able to highlight its frankness during this period. “Your honesty will bring you new opportunities,” reports astrologer Natasha Merani of the magazine Marie-France. Same story for Aquarius who will see his spontaneity revealed in all its splendor. Under the spotlight, transparency will therefore be in the spotlight for this sign. Finally, Gemini will also be part of the party since the new moon should place him “in the best position to make positive changes” explains the astrologer. It is therefore a wind of renewal that blows through this sign and could facilitate beneficial transformations.

The new moon of June 6, 2024 will take place in the sign of Gemini © mode_list –

Distrust for Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

If this new Moon seems to bring a wind of well-being to different signs, these three may not feel as fulfilled in this lunation. Virgo could find themselves forced to introduce a certain rigor into their daily lives to consolidate many of their projects and allow them to develop on solid foundations in the future. On the Pisces side, the challenges will be very real and could have consequences such as “suddenly moving or rearranging their space”, according to astrologer Thomas Kyle quoted in the magazine Marie Claire. For their part, Sagittarius will have every interest in taking care of their comfort zone to gain confidence and be able to explore the outside world.

A new moon placed under the sign of creativity

For the other signs, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn, this new moon in Gemini should bring a dynamic of openness towards others but also towards new horizons. It will therefore be a period rich in meetings and curiosity which will push you to turn towards new opportunities. Don’t hesitate to try new activities and give substance to your ideas, it’s the ideal time!
