New moon of December 13, 2023: what does it have in store for the different astrological signs?

New moon of December 13 2023 what does it have

According to astrologers, the new moon of December 13, 2023 could have an influence on certain signs of the zodiac. What does this lunation have in store for us and what are the signs that will feel its effects most intensely?

THE Wednesday December 13, 2023 takes place the last new Moon of the current year. It takes place at 00:33 in the astrological sign of Sagittarius, one of the three fire signs with Aries and Leo. According to astrologer Joyce Duval quoted in the magazine Current wifethis new moon will be placed, for followers of astrology, under the sign of light, especially as it will occur at the time of Saint Lucy, that is to say the day of the festival of Lights. Those who believe in the supposed virtues of astrology can therefore see a positive new moon for all signs of the zodiac.

According to astrologer Chelsea Jackson of Elite Daily, this new moon ruled by Jupiter could bring within your reach projects and ambitions that until then seemed unrealizable. For those who need a little help to get started, this will be the ideal time to realize your deep desires. This lunation will give you the confidence to realize your dreams and ideals. Although these projects will sometimes come to fruition at great risk, rewards await you at the end of the road.

A wind of freedom for Sagittarius

The effects of this new moon should be felt more intensely by the Sagittarians than by the other signs. That day, the new moon should place freedom at the heart of your desires. According to Chelsea Jackson, “you’ll feel more inclined to lean toward spontaneity or take big risks.” According to the astrologer, this will be the right time to embark on big dreams and get rid of the limits that you usually impose on yourself.

New activities for Fire signs

Alongside Sagittarius, the other Fire signs will also be at the heart of the influence of this new moon on December 13, 2023. According to Chelsea Jackson, the Lions should thus go through a period marked by “creative and romantic” activities. During this new moon, you could explore new hobbies, relationships or occupations. Unexpected events and spontaneous experiences may come your way, offering you exciting and life-changing perspectives.

THE Rams, third Fire sign, will also be affected by the influence of the new moon which could modify their daily routine. Indeed, this period will be an opportunity to break away from your habits by launching new passions and hobbies, for example by booking “a flight to a destination that pushes you out of your comfort zone“, specifies the American astrologer.
